We hope that you never need our complaints procedure. That’s our very clear objective for every ETERNAL customer.
It is crucial that we prepare for the unexpected and establish a complaints procedure that is clear, fair, and timely.
Complaints hold exceptional importance to us. We view them not as distractions or inconveniences but as valuable opportunities to learn and improve.
Therefore, if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our products or service, we genuinely want to hear about it.
How to make a complaint
If you do wish to get in touch with us regarding a complaint, then it’s totally up to you how you do it. We make provision to capture complaints no matter how they might arrive. Below is further information regarding how to get in touch should you wish to make a complaint.
Complaints by post should be addressed to:
Eternal Design and Build
3 Sussex House,
Stratton Close,
London HA8 6PY
Complaints in person
Complaints can be made in person should you feel you would like to see someone face to face. This can be either at your own home, or you are welcome to make an appointment to come into your local office and see somebody there.
To arrange a convenient date and time to meet, please contact our main reception in the first instance on 07728034763, 020 8488 1230 and explain the nature of your complaint. They will then be able to direct you to the correct person to organise a meeting with.
Complaints by telephone or email:
Complaints via telephone should be made using 07728034763, 020 8488 1230
Complaints via email should be made using: info@eternaldesignandbuild.com
Complaints via our website can be made using the form on the contact page.